(818) 788-HOPE (4673)
Grief Support Groups Serving West Los Angeles, Encino and Agoura Hills

Posts from November 2022

“Broken Heart” Is Not Just A Metaphor

In HOPE Connection support groups it’s almost a given that someone will talk about being heartbroken because it’s such an accurate description following the death of your spouse or partner. Most people, of course, would say that it’s a metaphorical term — your heart is not literally broken.

Change After Loss Is Inevitable. Here’s How To Embrace It.

Change is hard. For anybody. Especially someone who has been presented with life’s biggest change, the death of their significant other. As time passes, the griever is left to endure life’s challenges… with paperwork, figuring out day-to-day tasks, taking on more responsibilities and no longer having a partner to share them with. Changing a light bulb, paying taxes, doing laundry or other shared tasks, now all fall on you. Change is hard, so now what?

Meditation: A Doorway To Healing The Chemistry Of Grief

Martin Hamer, a native of The Netherlands, has been a yogi and has practiced Transcendental Meditation since 1977, and the advanced techniques called TM-Sidhis since 1980. Now retired, he worked for American Express and a local chiropractor for many years, while also working for (mostly American) translation agencies as a trained English-Dutch translator and vice versa. In 1984 he co-authored the first book on chiropractic in…

You Can Make A Difference

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu

Death is a thief. It takes more than a life; it steals dreams, relationships, and some of what makes a life worth living. The tunnel of loss that follows can be dark and lonely. But HOPE Connection — through our caring support groups, therapists and mentors — opens a window to let light and life back in.