(818) 788-HOPE (4673)
Grief Support Groups Serving West Los Angeles, Encino and Agoura Hills

The Uninvited Guest

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A guest came to visit


without so much as a knock at the door.


Grief arrived…

bathed in the empty stillness left by an aching absence,

my new companion rests comfortably among reminders of earlier times.

Allowing me freedom to go about creating a new life

but still present when time slows

and the roaring silence fails to fill the gaping void.


For now, I protect the reminders among which grief resides;

protesting the suggestion to put them in some dark place.

Finding comfort in keeping things as they were…

Inanimate things

having no power to restore

but bearing witness to what was lost;

sustaining wisps of memories

that might otherwise quickly fade.


I took too much for granted,

the daily rhythms

the rare and the mundane

the delicate dance

until it was no more.

So I do not long to bid a quick farewell to my uninvited guest,

because my grief is part of what we had together.


So stay a while…

and if you go, when you go,

I will welcome you back from time to time

to reignite the flame,

shining your special light,

illuminating again the treasured remnants

hiding in the recesses of my heart.


© Copyright 2015, M. Linsk, with love

By M. Linsk