(818) 788-HOPE (4673)
Grief Support Groups Serving West Los Angeles, Encino and Agoura Hills

Posts from September 2022


In the beautiful song Sanctuary by Carrie Newcomer, she sings

Will you be my refuge, my haven in the storm,

Will you keep the embers warm when my fire’s all but gone?

Will you remember and bring me sprigs of rosemary,

Be my sanctuary ‘til I can carry on, carry on, carry on.

Anyone who has found peace and healing in a HOPE Connection group will identify deeply with Newcomer’s lyrics. HOPE groups are indeed sanctuaries of grace and comfort.

Why Talk About It?

Why talk about it? What good will it do? It’s done. My loved one died. Nothing that I say is going to bring him/her back. I just need to move on.

Sound familiar? Have you said thoughts like this to yourself? Have you said it to others?

That attitude is like trying to take a short cut on the journey of grief… and that rarely ends well. It takes you away from the one thing that you need to heal… attention to your broken heart and all the feelings that it holds.

Healing from grief just doesn’t have a shortcut.

Finding Meaning After The Loss Of A Parent

Losing a parent can be one of the most traumatic events that an adult will go through. It can also present a rare opportunity for potent changes in life. When we lose a parent one of the ways we heal is by finding benefits and gifts that come out of a traumatic loss and the healing process. Often, this requires that we…